What is agility you ask. Its a sport that is run in the ring with both the dog and handler. The handler guides the dog over a bunch of obstacles that will consist of jumps, dog walk, A frame, tunnels, and a special tire. It is a timed event that has to be ran under a designated standard course time and depending on the level you are running may have to be fault free.
Click here for additional information about Agility.
Conformation means conforming to the standard. Each breed has a standard that includes what the structure of that breed is, how it looks and reacts. In conformation, each dog is judged against how closely that specific dog meets the criteria of the standard. If it looks like a collie, acts like a collie, smells like a collie, it's a collie, right? But does this collie meet the written description of what this collie here is compared to that collie over there? The standard includes MANY details from ears to eyes to coat to tail. It is up to the judge to determine which collie has the best details described in the standard. A question that is asked often is do you make any money doing this? The simple answer is no. We do it for several reasons, a chance to do something with our pups as well as to show everyone what the standard for our breed is all about.
If you want to learn more about Conformation Click here.